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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Little Reiki Miracle? You be the judge of it...

4 weeks ago, I ordered some products online.

I'd ordered from this shop before, and they had always been prompt with their deliveries. The only one problem was that there would be no tracking number available. 

2 weeks went by, and there was no news. By the beginning of the 3rd week, I had took to checking my mailbox on a daily basis - hoping that Singpost would have given me some notification of my mail.

But there was nothing.

I sent emails to both the retailer and Singpost, but both replied that they were unable to assist.

Throughout all this, I'd totally forgotten about Rei-Ki.

You see, you can apply Rei-Ki to any situation in life, apart from using it to help people and animals, and other living things.

So, when I saw the negative email replies - I had basically already lost all hope of getting my delivery, that was worth a substantial amount of money.

Then a little voice inside said, hey, why not just Rei-Ki over this, and let's see what happens...?

So I did.

I Rei-Ki-ed last Thursday morning, at work, and was surprised by the amount of energy that flowed out.

When the flow is strong, you just continue to Rei-Ki till the energy shuts off.

Then work took my time, and I basically let go of the Rei-Ki connection after about an hour.

When I returned home that evening, out of habit and not really thinking or expecting anything by then - I just checked my mailbox.

Lo and behold - there sat my 'missing' package!

I was flabbergasted!

I know that naysayers will say that this was purely coincidental, there has to be some rational explanation, etc etc .. but for me, I truly think Rei-Ki helped me in this situation.

1. it helped to calm me down
2. it helped me to rationalize clearly
3. it helped me to accept that loss is a possibility in life

I figured that this was another one of those mini Life lessons that got thrown my way, and once I accepted it, I got what I was seeking.

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