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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spirit Entity in my Hotel room - Batam Overnight Trip

I made a trip to Batam a week ago to get some spa time and short rest with my BFF. 

It was just an overnight trip and we had an awesome time shopping, spa-ing, dining and chilling.  

The night that we stayed, we happened to flick to a channel that was showing the Indonesian equivalent to Ghost Hunters.  The show was called Dunia Paranormal, if I recall correctly.

Anyways, it showed this man-woman pair that regularly conducts paranormal investigations and they would bring a guest to the show to experience together with them.

My friend and I were watching and I remarked several times, which parts looked real and which looked questionable - coz let's be realistic, you need to sensationalize certain things in order to garner more curiousity and gain a following, right?

At some point, I felt a cold breeze and I had goosebumps - and I knew it was whatever that was in the room letting me know its presence.

So I kept quiet about it, not wanting to freak my friend out unnecessarily. But I did send a direct thought to the entity, to please not disturb us and leave my friend alone.

Then I concentrated a little more, and I got the image of a small, black and extremely hairy human-like figure. Didn't look pleasant, but I sensed it was just curious about us, or rather me.

That night as I slept, I got woken up at about 2 or 3 am, as I felt something tugging lightly on my blanket!

I didn't bother to get up and check but I grumbled and told it to please go away! It worked and I got back to sleep.  You see, once you learn to get assertive, these things will back off. 

The next morning as we made our way back to Singapore, I related the experience to my friend and she remarked that she also felt that there was something in the room with us but also choose not to say anything - haha... luckily though, she didn't get disturbed by it.

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