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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Latest Rei-Ki Free Preview Happening in March!

Hi all,

Just wanted to share quickly, that the next Rei-Ki preview will be happening on March 9th!

If you have read any of my experiences on the positive benefits of Rei-Ki, then you really should check out the preview. Here are some posts which you can read up on my experiences:

You will have the opportunity to experience Rei-Ki for yourself when the volunteers will personally administer Rei-Ki on you during the talk by Rei-Ki Master - Ms. Keven Duff!

It's an opportunity you should seize ASAP - especially if you have any ailments currently - physically or psychologically or if you are simply just curious about how this wondrous healing modality works. Even if you have learnt other healing modalities - I bet Rei-Ki will still blow your mind - come and witness - participate and feel it for yourself.

FYI, I am not the moderator for the preview, and am simply an ex-student who has gained many and more from using Rei-Ki to improve my family's quality of life, as well as my own.  This is my way of paying it forward.

Do call to book a slot at the preview NOW.

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