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Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Ouija Board

I've always had a fascination with the paranormal since young.

My fascination stemmed from my mum, who used to tell me ghost stories, and tales of her experiences with the spirit world.

When I was 17, I had an after-school job at the old MPH bookstores at Parkway Parade, and at that point of time, these Ouija board games were really popular and being mass-produced.

So my mum popped by one day and together, we decided to buy a set.

At that point of time, we were living at the old Bedok North Ave 2 flat which I mentioned in an earlier post.

In that post, I had said that there was a spirit living there.

Due to that, my mum decided to buy the Ouija board to try and make contact.

Well, we did have some light banter with this spirit - and it turns out that it really was a child-like spirit - keen on communicating and playing.

Fast forward 2 years later, we moved to Boon Lay - the area near Jurong Point - which at that time, was a very new estate.  The estate was literally built on a swamped forested area, and the authorities had literally 'destroyed' the homes of the spirits and energies living there among the trees. Yes, I've been told they live in, on, around trees.

During that time, I had started mixing with some not-so-good company at school, plus I was pretty unhappy with having to move out of my old estate, and I guess, on hindsight, unbeknownst to me, I started attracting negative energies towards me.

One day when I was home alone, out of sheer boredom and stupidity, I pulled out the Ouija board, and started a session by myself.

I got in tune pretty quickly and had a conversation with something, though till today, I can't remember what it was about.

Suddenly, I heard my front door open, and it turned out that my dad was home early from work.

Now the thing about using a Ouija board, you have to have a proper 'closing' before you finish a session. And stupid me didn't do that!

I just slammed the board shut and quickly hid the Ouija board under my bed.

My dad doesn't like it, you see. And for good reason too.

So I forgot about it, and went on my daily activities without a second thought to it.

That very night, I went to bed late.

At about 2am, I suddenly woke up coz something with a low, guttural, inhuman voice whispered in my ear:

"I'm here...."

I completely freaked out and hid under my covers and pillows out of terror.

It didn't just stop there... this thing followed me to school too -- which I will relay in another post!

Meanwhile I want to share some of the most scary footage of Ouija board mishaps ever recorded - as narrated by the awesome team at Ghost Files Singapore and SingaTV.


  1. Scary! Did you get to 'close' the board eventually?

  2. No I actually never closed it then. And this thing kinda attached to me... I'll post that soon!

  3. Hi Lynn! Great read!! Can't wait to read the continuation. Thanks for plugging my show. Big hugs!!
