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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

When Something Comes A-whispering....

Yesterday, my daughter started on her holiday homework in the afternoon in her room, and there she was fully concentrated, when suddenly there's someone sighing and whispering in her ear!

I was outside in the hall, when I heard her screaming.

She ran out of the room, and kept saying, "Mummy, something whispered in my ear! I am so scared!".  She was really on the verge of tears.

What did I do?  

Immediately I did the thumb reiki position on one hand - to raise my vibrational energy - and grabbed the clearing spray with the other hand.

And I called it out - in this loud, authoritative and assertive voice. I went to my daughter's room first and pumped the spray once.

"YOU, who are not supposed to be here, leave this space and leave us alone! This is OUR space, OUR house - you are NOT ALLOWED here. LEAVE US!"

As I said that, I felt it's energy just outside my boundary - and it was a cold energy - made my hairs stand on end.

Then I proceeded to spray throughout the whole house - even the toilets.

Almost immediately, there was a change in the energy level within the house, and everything calmed down significantly within a few minutes.

My daughter calmed down enough to continue with her homework and then all was back to normal again.

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