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Saturday, May 31, 2014

More on Positive Reiki Outcomes

So I haven't written in a while.

That's due to me having had a really packed schedule to work with the past weeks.

For this post, I'd thought I could share more positive outcomes I have had with reiki, partly due to me being away at the reiki seminar this weekend right up to the end of this week!


When I first got into reiki, the first one to acknowledge the new energy within me was my cat!

He would come up to me, purposely push his head against my hand, try to get me to pet him, and make me reiki him. 

Animals love the energy and would almost always attempt to try to get your attention to get in some reiki-time - in short, they can become reiki addicts! LOL!


Another outcome that has occurred is that my elder daughter seems to have better focus in school, and that has resulted in her achieving astounding results for her recent mid-year exams. She had leapt from being no.7 in class last year to now being no.3! Of course, it helped that she had supportive teachers, but previously we had always had problems with her handing in work on time or even finishing her homework. Also last year, we had a tuition teacher to come in to coach her, but still, there was a certain lack of motivation. I believe that reiki had helped her in some way.

My younger one, who is about to turn 4, has also learnt to identify the reiki energy and can't go to sleep without it. She always asks for it, and of course, I give it to her.

Overall, it has helped me to bond closer with my family, with me being in a generally more positive mood than I was before the course.  

Even with my friends, I have had positive outcomes.

Spiritual Disturbances

Once, a close friend approached me with some spiritually-related issue concerning her house and her children. She has 2 children who were born with the sight, and they would often not be able to sleep at night - due to being disturbed by negative elemental energies that were residing in the house.  They would be woken up in the middle of the night, and find this energy standing over them or it might be on the ceiling, running around or whatever. 

It was definitely freaky!

At the time, I couldn't go to her home to reiki her kids, so what I did was I got her two 1.5 litres of bottled drinking water (not mineral water - those are not good for our bodies!), and just told her to let her kids drink it and maybe put it in her room. And it worked!  

When I got round to asking for feedback, my friend said her kids didn't get disturbed by the energies that week!

Of course, I wanted to recommend her to get reiki but circumstances were not in her favour then, but who knows in the future, right?

Office First Aid Kit 

In the office, I try to do as much reiki as I am allowed to.  I'd have colleagues who suffered from bad headaches or coughs or stress, and I'd just voluntarily reiki water for them to drink coz it's not really convenient to reiki by touch. 

One incident I'd like to highlight - I had one colleague who is pretty sceptical about reiki, due to her religious nature and basically if there is no visible proof - then it shouldn't exist. 

Right? ;) 

Then one day, when we were out to lunch, it had been a particularly cold day. She had her cardigan on but it wasn't enough and as we were walking to the Burger King, I noticed that she kept shivering.

So while we were queueing up for food, I just casually asked her, "Hey, if you want, I'll just reiki you now, so you can hopefully warm up..." And she just said yeah whatever, coz she was too busy shivering. I just put one hand on her shoulder, and continued our regular conversations.

We were 5 minutes in the queue before our turn came, and I noticed she had already stopped shivering about 3 minutes after I put my hand on. Then I just asked,"Are you still cold?" She kinda paused and considered a second, and said, "Oh no, not cold anymore!" And she looked at me with a kind of wonder, like she couldn't believe it.  I just smiled and carried on with lunch - coz I knew she was having an issue reconciling the fact that it worked on her but could she really believe it, coz that might go against her religious beliefs?  

My job is just to help people whenever I can and in whatever way I can.  I am not there to debate in anything sensitive with anyone - I just leave it up to them to think over it, and decide for themselves on how they want to view reiki.

Anyways, that's it for now.  I'll catch up on more posts with y'all hopefully soon!

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