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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Excuse Me....(The Office continued)

I've been mad busy as hell in the office for the past few days.

My colleague suddenly private chats me on our internal chat system (kinda like yahoo chat).

Colleague:  "Did you feel that? Since so-and-so came in, there has been a sudden drop in the vibe around this area..."

Me: "Can't say I've noticed anything... too busy atm..."

Then out of the blue - it happens.

I got a sense of a person standing to my left - can't tell the age though I think he/she is young-ish - maybe 20/30s, has a shock of short black hair, and light skinned - can't tell ethnicity, and maybe wearing spectacles.

Then he/she says, "Excuse me..." in a barely audible whisper.

Enough to say that it stopped me a moment - coz it truly happened pretty quickly and suddenly.

I didn't engage it coz it really was a busy time. 

Maybe once my spiritual development takes off, I may explore such incidences further....

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