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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Reiki Healing with some hard evidencing.

I wanted to write about this, but always seemed to forget or was simply too busy.

About 3 weeks ago, my hubby had a minor cycling accident. He cycled right into a small drain, and fell off his bike, sustaining a big ugly bleeding scratch on his calf.

Before Reiki - a big upturned V shape scratch on the wound

He came home, and sat there looking at the wound, and I offered reiki.

One thing about my hubby - he isn't a believer of reiki at all. He's the type that needs to see hard evidence, but he said ok whatever, do your magic.

So I laid his injured calf over my legs, snapped a pic of his calf, turned on the TV and placed my hands on the scratch - and watched the show that was on, not thinking of anything.  I promptly dozed off after 5 mins, with both hands still firmly clasped on his injury.

By the time I woke up about 15 mins later, I didn't even take a look at his injury and just got up, and decided to do other stuff.

5 mins later, my hubby yelled for me.

"Sweetheart! Come here! Look at this!"

I ran over, thinking something bad had happened. Then I saw him looking at me with big eyes, and he pointed to his calf. "What did you do??"

I took one look at his calf, not understanding what was being said, coz it looked the same to me. Then he mentioned, that he had made an observation off his wound before I reiki-ed him, and that the big V shape was gone!

After Reiki - the V shape scratch is gone!

Here they are in comparison.

Left is before, Right is after Reiki - see the difference!

It seemed that reiki was assisting to jumpstart and accelerate the healing process of the injury - hence you start to see new scabs forming.  And this was happening within 15 mins of reiki.

Truly amazing!

The result of this is that my hubby now allows me to reiki him more but he still doesn't want to fully believe in it.  Maybe one day soon, he might take it up himself! :)

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