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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Near Death Experience

So some of you might wonder about near-death experience or N.D.E.

Some people experience it as having an intense experience which evokes strong visions of Heaven and God and Angels, as well as meeting past deceased loved ones and communicating with them.

I didn't see any of that.

In fact, I didn't really 'see' anything.

I was only aware that I was like a ball of consciousness, floating about freely in space.

To me, it didn't feel like I was gone long - more like minutes (but then in the spiritual realm, time is relative).

I only remembered that as I floated along, I became aware of a voice speaking to me.

It said, "You have a choice. You can stay or you can go."

Without any hesitation, I said that I'd stay!

I had a beautiful family and I didn't want to miss out on watching them grow.

And so I was sent back.

Waking up was a true struggle, as I felt I was trying to swim up through thick mud to the surface.

It was only later that I realised that was the heavy sedation that they gave me after my emergency life-saving op.

When I came to, my whole body was a mass of pain. Just pain and agony.

I woke briefly to discover my distraught family members standing around me, and saw relief in their eyes, before I succumbed to the sedatives again.

And I believe it was through this N.D.E. that I came away with a new ability, and also set me down my life path, which I am still discovering daily.

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