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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

When Things are Meant to Happen

Let's fast forward a couple months.

In 2012, I got involved with helping to organise a local festivity in my company. The aim of which was to create camaraderie among those of the same faith, as well as other colleagues of different faiths.

Things went really well, and through that one occasion, I became known to some other colleagues whom I had never met.

After that, I had friend request on Facebook.  I didn't recognise the profile picture but it mentioned my company's name under the job profile, so I accepted.

This was followed by an email from this same person, whom I shall refer to as Tara, who had sent the friend request.

We got to chatting regularly via email and after a while, Tara admitted that she had actually thought I was one of the other colleagues that had helped organise the recent event! So in essence, she made 'friends' with the wrong person? LOL... we still laugh about it till today.

Anyways, somehow I felt comfy chatting with her, and she with I, and we found similar passions in life.  As well as topics.  Especially on the supernatural.

I told her my issues about getting the occasional harrassment from spirits, and she was pretty open and understanding over the whole thing.

Turns out she also has the same ability!

Imagine that.

However, she started telling me about this thing called 'Reiki'.  

I'd heard of it before, years ago, but I never really looked into it.

She told me that reiki might be able to help me with my issues, and at the same time, gain me the ability to help others.

My interest was definitely piqued, but alas, I did not have an opportunity to participate in the course then.

But what transpired in 2013 was indeed interesting.... and though was a little bumpy, I managed to get reiki-certified by the end of it!

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