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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Dead do have Fun, sometimes.

When my ability was discovered, I had all sorts of run-ins with the dead and other beings.

I guess they 'saw' that I could sense them, you could say?

Funerals at my void deck, would have me sighting the dead person, wandering around the premises, standing with their relatives, listening in on conversations, or simply having fun.

Having fun - sounds weird right?

Yes, the dead do try to experiment with their spiritual forms.

I once saw an old lady in spirit form, playing hide-and-seek with me.  Literally, peeking at me from behind a wall and quickly hiding back.

The other most significant experience I had was when my grandma passed away about a year after my uncle did.

At 95 years old, she had had a prolonged illness, and had also suffered a major stroke which put her into a sort of semi-coma for the last 6 months of her life.

When the end came, my parents and I packed up and left for KL (where my grandma lived).

Her casket and funeral was held at my aunt's house.  

The moment I stepped in, I could sense my grandma, happily skipping about.  She was deliriously happy that she was mobile once again, and free of her pained, physical form.

When I told this to my relatives (who by now knew I had this ability), they laughed and said, yes my grandma was naturally a very 'busy' kind of person, who could not sit still.  She was always on the move.

And unlike my uncle, my grandma had little to say.

She was just very overjoyed to see the congregation of all her loved ones in the same place (she had not seen some of them for more than 50 years). 

The only message she had was for one of her sons, my uncle, who by chance, had come to Asia (he lives in US and rarely comes to SG) during that very week when she passed. 

They were distraught that they did not have a chance to speak to her when she was alive but my grandma urged me to tell them that it was okay. 

And all was good.  Indeed it was.

The funeral went off without a hitch, and my grandma disappeared from my 'view' soon after.

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