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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Lady and the Ant

I always knew there was something else living in my house with me and my family.

When I first moved in, I already felt her presence and knew her favourite spots in the house.

The first year, when my eldest daughter was only 4, the lady would reside in her room, in a corner of the room. I would sense her or sometimes even see her in my mind's eye. Another fave hangout was the kitchen.

She presented herself as a young teenage girl to me. And during that time, my then 4 year old also had an imaginary friend called 'Ant'.

I didn't really take the imaginary friend thing seriously until the day my daughter started telling me things that she couldn't have otherwise known.  

When I asked her who told her these things, she would reply earnestly, "Oh my friend Ant told me." 

And just to note that little kids don't lie.  It's not within their capacity to do so.

The Lady didn't disturb me usually, though she does freak me out sometimes, especially when I do the dishes at night.

My sink faces the kitchen window, and I would be able to see my own reflection.  As the kitchen light is behind me, all I would be able to see is a dark reflection of me.  Occasionally, I would feel her presence behind me, and though I can't see her from the reflection in front of me, I wouldn't dare to sneak a peek.

Maybe one too many Asian horror flicks?  Though I make it a strict point to never watch Asian horror, as the stories and paranormal stuff depicted usually hits too close to home, if you know what I mean....(ok go on try it, I dare you to watch 'The Ring' - original Japanese version or 'Shutter' - a true Thai horror).

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