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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Seventh Month Capers

So in SG, there is something called The Hungry Ghost Festival, aka The Seventh Month.

It's honoured by Taoists who believe that the Gates to Hell open only during this particular month.

And therein, lies the time that I find most trying as my sightings of the unseen, invariably increases during this time.

There was one time where I was walking home shortly after 10pm, and as I neared my lift lobby (I live in a regular old HDB flat), that I noticed someone had left offerings close to the lobby.  

2 red incenses/candles had burned halfway down, and there was a scattering of small packets of sweet biscuits and candies.

Just as I was reaching the lobby, I halted abruptly as suddenly, a vague shadow of a child flashed past me, less than a metre away, from the direction of where the offerings were, to the void deck. 

It's exactly the same reaction I would have had, if it had been an actual person running past me.

That's the thing about it.

They sometimes appear at the most innocuous times. And it's usually sudden and brief encounters.

Like I said in my previous post, some of them like to 'play'.

The worse ones like to scare - but I will divulge more of that later.

So apart from sightings, there are times when I feel them - even more so during the Seventh Month.  

I would actually know when one is following me back or not, and I would immediately tell it to leave me alone and that it's not allowed into my home.

There were times when I'd be in too much of a hurry, and inevitably one would be able to come into the house.

The ruckus made at night would wake me of course, since I was the only one who would hear it.  Knockings on my door, on my cupboard, footsteps - large or small - stomping all over the flat. Even my cat would get a bit freaked out and yowl loudly when these occurrences happen.

By the next day, things would be okay, and somehow these things find their way out.

But then again, that might also be due to the 'lady' who resides in my house - another tale for another day!

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