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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Beginning with Death

It began with death.

3 years ago, I had a near-death experience.

No, I didn't see the light. But I had a conversation with a higher being.

I was given a choice. Of either to go or stay.

You can see now which choice I made.


4 months later, an uncle passed away, and I was at his funeral.

As I gazed down at my dead uncle, his withered 80 year-old form encased in a casket, suddenly I sensed him beside me. And he started to 'speak' to me.  

No, not in the conventional sense of speech since he was in spirit form.  He spoke, shall I say, telepathically to me.  Or rather, I could sense his messages.

Yes, he was giving me messages.  To pass on to his 3 distraught daughters.

You see, before he had passed on, he had suffered a massive stroke which rendered him paralysed and unable to speak for a year before his death.  All he could do to communicate was to nod or shake his head or mumble incoherently.

Now that he was in spirit form and free from physical boundaries, he was pretty much elated that he could 'speak' again.  And speak he did. 

I don't know how, but he knew that I could be his 'channel' to the physical world.

And he was very insistent that I pass on his messages to his daughters.  

I was extremely reluctant as:

1. this was the first time ever this was happening to me.
2. I was in shock that I could sense him and sense what he wanted me to do.
3. I didn't want my cousins to think of me as crazy.

My uncle persistently poked and prodded me, in a spiritual sense, pushing me over and over to relay his messages to his daughters.  Mind you, my cousins are way older than me, averaging 40-50 years of age at the time. 

After an hour of his poking and prodding, I relented and got my 3 cousins to sit down and listen to me.

It was strange, as I said, "Hey girls, I have something to tell you. Well, actually your dad has something to tell you. He's here with us now, and he asked me to pass you some messages he's been meaning to say..."

My cousins sat in silence as I relayed the intended messages to them and after I said my piece, they came forward to me, and hugged me tightly.

They had been wanting to hear from him for the longest time!  They thanked me profusely and cried with joy.

Boy, was I relieved that they didn't call the nuthouse or the police on me.

I realised, as I made my way home, that the whole session had caused me to burn a lot of energy and I was extremely famished.  The whole episode had taken less than 2 hours, before which I had had a full and satisfying lunch at home.  

It was only later that I learnt that I had burnt a lot of psychic energy or my own 'chi' energy in order to channel in for my uncle.

Thus this was how my journey into gaining spiritual knowledge began.

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