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Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Office 2

So previously I wrote about having sightings at the office.

I just received validation that indeed, the office has some 'unseen' things roving about, making their presence known on and off, to random people.

Through just random chit-chat, I found out that other people had also had experiences.

And these people, are otherwise, serious colleagues.

One, who has a rank within the company, also admitted how he got spooked during those times when he had to do overtime (or O.T.) for projects.  The office would be deadly silent, and suddenly he would get a sense of someone watching him, and his hairs would stand on end.

Other times, he would come to office early in the morning, and find his radio turned on by itself! This happened for days at a stretch.

I joked to him, that maybe 'it' liked him.  LOL...

Another colleague, who had worked for more than 15 years in the company, had also had her experiences.  She mentioned it to be just moments when suddenly, she would feel totally creeped out for no apparent reason.

And of course, there was that sense that someone was watching her.

In my honest opinion, an office is a very 'transient' place, where people come and go.  And so do spirits.  Some might stay on and claim a space (which I haven't sensed yet in the office). Whilst there are those who pass by, and inadvertently, whether intentionally or unintentionally, scare people in the process.

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