Hello everyone
I have gone through a sort of trial by fire, and discovered many aspects of myself and my abilities through this long period of online silence.
Firstly let me put a disclaimer right here - my abilities that I am about to tell you has nothing to do with Rei-Ki -- they had always been within me, and only recently have I rediscovered them again.
Over 2 month's ago, I received an SOS call from a friend - saying she needed help with her brother who had suddenly collapsed at home.
I triggered my Rei-Ki friends, and we all started to send Rei-Ki over long distance, to assist with this man's pain.
We 'worked' on him - continually sending Rei-Ki - with only the best intentions - whatever the outcome may be - for about 3-4 weeks.
When you are sending Rei-Ki, your brain switches up to Alpha brainwaves - basically a state of higher consciousness.
And I discovered, the more I was in this state - the more my natural ability - where I can speak and see the dead and other worldly spirits - became stronger.
It wasn't an accident that I was called upon to help this man during his crisis. When I helped him, I was also 'helping' myself.
I became more aware of the other dimension which co-exists next to ours.
I discovered that indeed, suicide is the worst option for anyone - the absolute worst!
Through my subsequent work with people, I will share what I have come across over these 2 months:
There was a case of a man who had wronged an ex girlfriend more than 20 years ago, and she couldn't deal with herself and decided to kill herself by jumping. She was relatively young at the point of death and didn't realise the consequences of suicide then. What I have learnt is that she died in a state of utmost negativity, and sadness and bitterness, and those feelings, that atmosphere, stayed with her forever since death. And she attached herself to the one whom she blamed for her death - her ex boyfriend.
I had to work on her, and I sent her Rei-Ki to help make her situation more positive as well as 'heal' her in a spiritual aspect.
It was at this time, I also discovered that Guardian Angels are real, very real.
Guardian Angels, to me, are basically souls who have learnt to evolve themselves, and tasked to help people here on earth. Everyone has Guardian Angels, and it could be an ancestor, or your late Grandma or Grandpa, and sometimes, just a soul tasked to you. You're not limited to just one (while that might be the case for some people) and you might get a team of Guardian Angels with you.
So upon this discovery, I asked the girl's Guardian Angels (yes, even the dead have them) - to please bring her to a place where she can serve the highest good. Before that, I of course, asked this girl, if she would like to leave this earthly realm and go somewhere 'higher'. At first there was some resistance, as she was so 'used' to being in constant pain and negativity.
However through further discussions with her, finally she said yes, and I called upon her Guardian Angels for assistance. They gladly came forward - one was a man from the Ming or Ching dynasty - all decked out in fancy yellow garb - complete with a headdress and the recognisable wispy moustache and beard. I honestly don't know much about Chinese history but he certainly looked like he was royalty. Then they brought her to a place - somewhere high, like Swiss Alps in summer - in that higher realm.
From that case, it quickly became very clear to me, that I could tap in and out of my abilities as and when I required it.
I learnt to listen more to my intuitions and I became more comfortable with myself.
I could tap into my surroundings and discover what unseens were hanging around an area sometimes.
So that was just one aspect of what has been happening to me.
Further down the road, I started to come across more and more cases that needed my help.
People who needed me - even it's for just 5 minutes of my time - either through healing with Rei-Ki or just needing an ear to release their daily stresses, or needing some advice here and there.
And I was thinking how weird it was - I was able to quickly recognise situations and people that needed help - just pure simple help.
We as humans, especially living in Singapore, have come to a point whereby we rush through everything and we forgo having a closer look at situations or people around us (especially family).
I learnt to slow down and become more introspective, and wow, what a difference it has made.
I also started to pay attention to my Guardian Angels, and they would give me messages now and then, on the tasks ahead of me.
One day, as I was going to work, one of them told me very affirmatively - that one of my jobs here on earth, is to free people from spiritual oppression.
I thought that was weird, at first. But subsequently, I stared to discover why.
Even in this day and age, there are people who still subscribe to black magic.
Yes - black magic is very very real.
Black magic to get people to listen to you (no matter how rubbish a person you are), to get quickly up through the ranks (I discovered this at work - an actual person- who wanted to be big boss quickly but yet was rubbish in her work), attracting people to you, swindling money out of you without you retaliating, etc, etc. The list goes on and on.
People fail to understand that when you use black magic, you are actually using lower level spirits to do work for you. Yes - whatever talisman, whatever black magic you use - you are actually asking the help from a lower level unevolved spirit. Here let me be clear on what I mean by spirit.
Spirit - to me, are basically demons or Djinns. Some are good and some are not so good - same as humans.
So when I say lower level spirits - I am referring to the ones who are mostly unevolved - with a potential to be bad or evil.
In any case, the people I came across, one was a guy who actually swallowed a small capsule talisman, in order that people will not harm him or disregard him in his life. I was tasked to speak to the Djinn that resided in that capsule and through negotiations, was able to break his bonds to the capsule and send him off to another place where he can serve the highest good.
Another case I had to deal with as mentioned earlier, was the lady who used a talisman, in order to raise through the ranks quickly and attain power and money. Her talisman made the men around her feel weak and powerless towards her, and it was pretty noticeable by me.
So one day, I - with my uncle (whom I will introduce in another post) - set about to 'destroy' her talisman. We met with some resistance at first, as her talisman held a pretty strong spirit who refused to let go and cooperate (I guess the payoff was good?). The spirit fought back but we triggered the lady's Guardian Angels (who had been waiting for this moment to be called upon) and we managed to break his bond to the talisman.
After that was done, I remarked that this lady would not come to work the following work day, and true enough, she didn't. She had apparently become so reliant on her talisman, that without it, she was at a loss. She came back to work subsequently, normal and not as cocky as before.
The issue with using such items for personal gain, is that there is always something you have to pay it back with. I have heard stories of people who used it to gain beauty, then once the power was removed - suddenly they became really ugly and people shunned them. Or some who used till old age, suddenly had difficulty dying and couldn't die till someone knowledgeable removed the item from their body. Cases like these still do happen.
So there you go... that should be the longest post I have ever done so far.
I'll catch up with you guys in the next one - soon, hopefully!
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Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
When Connecting Spiritually...and The Recent Connection I Made...
I thought I'd just talk about what spiritual connection means to me.
Some people have preconceived notions or ideas on how spiritual connection should be, as opposed to staying open-minded and accepting that not everything in the unknown world has to follow a set a rules.
I had quite a few people ask me, oh, do you see spirits?
And always, they think that I see with my physical sight, an actual spiritual being standing there in front of me.
The answer is ... No, I don't.
What I see is always in my mind's eye - call it thought, call it imagination - whatever - but that is how I see them.
Sometimes, I don't see an image, sometimes I get a general 'feel' of them - like what their character is, or how they passed on. Quite rarely, I get scents - like what scents are generally associated to them.
The more evolved spirits, can usually present themselves more visually to me, and I get a sense of their character as well.
The other day, whilst talking to my friend over deep and personal life matters, suddenly her long deceased grandfather popped up.
What I saw in my mind's eye, was an old man, lean, slightly tall, tanned, clad in a white cotton Tshirt, with a green sarong wrapped around his waist.
I'd never met the old man before, but he had a message for his granddaughter and insisted I pass it along right there and then.
I had to stop my friend in mid-sentence, and just randomly shot out with, "Did your grandfather usually wore this set of clothes - white shirt paired with a sarong - when he was alive?"
Luckily my friend recognised the moment - and replied with a yes.
I relayed the message to her and she had a chance to ask back some questions, before the moment passed, and her grandfather ebbed away from the connection.
He was an evolved spirit, and basically could project his self image strongly to me, to the point that I saw the clothes he wore, how he looked like, even to the point of speech, where I could hear the words he was saying, and basically repeated verbatim to my friend. The old man spoke a kind of Bahasa which I never used before, and I picked up on his twang of Bahasa. You could call this a pretty strong connection.
And it was indeed the first time that had ever happened to me, without using any modalities to connect.
Perhaps Rei-Ki has opened up my awareness to a level where I can have a better and clearer 'reception' to that vibrational level?
Who knows, really...
All I care about is if this helps people around, then I shall embrace it even more.
Some people have preconceived notions or ideas on how spiritual connection should be, as opposed to staying open-minded and accepting that not everything in the unknown world has to follow a set a rules.
I had quite a few people ask me, oh, do you see spirits?
And always, they think that I see with my physical sight, an actual spiritual being standing there in front of me.
The answer is ... No, I don't.
What I see is always in my mind's eye - call it thought, call it imagination - whatever - but that is how I see them.
Sometimes, I don't see an image, sometimes I get a general 'feel' of them - like what their character is, or how they passed on. Quite rarely, I get scents - like what scents are generally associated to them.
The more evolved spirits, can usually present themselves more visually to me, and I get a sense of their character as well.
The other day, whilst talking to my friend over deep and personal life matters, suddenly her long deceased grandfather popped up.
What I saw in my mind's eye, was an old man, lean, slightly tall, tanned, clad in a white cotton Tshirt, with a green sarong wrapped around his waist.
I'd never met the old man before, but he had a message for his granddaughter and insisted I pass it along right there and then.
I had to stop my friend in mid-sentence, and just randomly shot out with, "Did your grandfather usually wore this set of clothes - white shirt paired with a sarong - when he was alive?"
Luckily my friend recognised the moment - and replied with a yes.
I relayed the message to her and she had a chance to ask back some questions, before the moment passed, and her grandfather ebbed away from the connection.
He was an evolved spirit, and basically could project his self image strongly to me, to the point that I saw the clothes he wore, how he looked like, even to the point of speech, where I could hear the words he was saying, and basically repeated verbatim to my friend. The old man spoke a kind of Bahasa which I never used before, and I picked up on his twang of Bahasa. You could call this a pretty strong connection.
And it was indeed the first time that had ever happened to me, without using any modalities to connect.
Perhaps Rei-Ki has opened up my awareness to a level where I can have a better and clearer 'reception' to that vibrational level?
Who knows, really...
All I care about is if this helps people around, then I shall embrace it even more.
A Little Reiki Miracle? You be the judge of it...
4 weeks ago, I ordered some products online.
I'd ordered from this shop before, and they had always been prompt with their deliveries. The only one problem was that there would be no tracking number available.
2 weeks went by, and there was no news. By the beginning of the 3rd week, I had took to checking my mailbox on a daily basis - hoping that Singpost would have given me some notification of my mail.
But there was nothing.
I sent emails to both the retailer and Singpost, but both replied that they were unable to assist.
Throughout all this, I'd totally forgotten about Rei-Ki.
You see, you can apply Rei-Ki to any situation in life, apart from using it to help people and animals, and other living things.
So, when I saw the negative email replies - I had basically already lost all hope of getting my delivery, that was worth a substantial amount of money.
Then a little voice inside said, hey, why not just Rei-Ki over this, and let's see what happens...?
So I did.
I Rei-Ki-ed last Thursday morning, at work, and was surprised by the amount of energy that flowed out.
When the flow is strong, you just continue to Rei-Ki till the energy shuts off.
Then work took my time, and I basically let go of the Rei-Ki connection after about an hour.
When I returned home that evening, out of habit and not really thinking or expecting anything by then - I just checked my mailbox.
Lo and behold - there sat my 'missing' package!
I was flabbergasted!
I know that naysayers will say that this was purely coincidental, there has to be some rational explanation, etc etc .. but for me, I truly think Rei-Ki helped me in this situation.
1. it helped to calm me down
2. it helped me to rationalize clearly
3. it helped me to accept that loss is a possibility in life
I figured that this was another one of those mini Life lessons that got thrown my way, and once I accepted it, I got what I was seeking.
I'd ordered from this shop before, and they had always been prompt with their deliveries. The only one problem was that there would be no tracking number available.
2 weeks went by, and there was no news. By the beginning of the 3rd week, I had took to checking my mailbox on a daily basis - hoping that Singpost would have given me some notification of my mail.
But there was nothing.
I sent emails to both the retailer and Singpost, but both replied that they were unable to assist.
Throughout all this, I'd totally forgotten about Rei-Ki.
You see, you can apply Rei-Ki to any situation in life, apart from using it to help people and animals, and other living things.
So, when I saw the negative email replies - I had basically already lost all hope of getting my delivery, that was worth a substantial amount of money.
Then a little voice inside said, hey, why not just Rei-Ki over this, and let's see what happens...?
So I did.
I Rei-Ki-ed last Thursday morning, at work, and was surprised by the amount of energy that flowed out.
When the flow is strong, you just continue to Rei-Ki till the energy shuts off.
Then work took my time, and I basically let go of the Rei-Ki connection after about an hour.
When I returned home that evening, out of habit and not really thinking or expecting anything by then - I just checked my mailbox.
Lo and behold - there sat my 'missing' package!
I was flabbergasted!
I know that naysayers will say that this was purely coincidental, there has to be some rational explanation, etc etc .. but for me, I truly think Rei-Ki helped me in this situation.
1. it helped to calm me down
2. it helped me to rationalize clearly
3. it helped me to accept that loss is a possibility in life
I figured that this was another one of those mini Life lessons that got thrown my way, and once I accepted it, I got what I was seeking.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Paranormal Origins
A long long hiatus, yes?
Well, I am back - maybe regularly - maybe sporadically.
Thing is, quite a few things have been happening in my life right now - more good things than bad, and honestly, it's just been a time-crunch for me to be able to put focus on things - I try my best not to do half-past six jobs ;)
So I wanted to tell you the story of my late paternal Grandpa.
I had never met him.
When I was 6, I remembered my parents leaving my sis and me in the care of my maternal grandmother, and disappearing for a week.
Turned out that Grandpa had passed away in far away Taiping, Malaysia.
His is a unique story.
My dad and some of my aunts considered him to be a true genius - he could fix anything - he was pretty good with tinkering around. There was once he even made a machine, to churn out numbers - some say it was the first ever 4D machine in Southeast Asia.
Grandpa was also a well-known mystic in Taiping in those days - he went by the moniker - Si Janggut (meaning The Bearded One).
The villagers all knew him, and quite a few went to him to get numbers, get blessed, and only God knew what else.
He was very into mysticism, and the paranormal. When he was younger, Grandpa had fought in WWII alongside with the British, and he was honoured by the British. He received a sword, and a medal of honour from the H.M. The Queen herself apparently!
When he was in England, he found books on the paranormal, and brought quite a few back to home to study them.
He went really deep into his study of the paranormal world, and it became his only focus in life.
So much so, that his own family was left in neglect, and finally one day, my Grandma had no choice but to leave him, packing her 9 children along, doing her best to give each child the best care possible on her own.
In the old days, divorce was very uncommon - you just left your spouse and carried on with life best as you could.
It was very unfortunate indeed, but that was how each had their lifepaths carved out.
The story goes that Grandpa had even studied, and eventually comprehended certain life mysteries. One of which was willing himself into having an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE). He became very adept at that, and could describe things that happened at the other side of the world.
He could predict numbers, and those gambling-addicted friends or neighbours would constantly seek him out for help, and that became one of his sources of incomes. He was apparently pretty accurate with winning numbers.
Grandpa lived somewhere in a densely forested part of a village in Taiping. He preferred it that way - keeping his privacy, doing what he did. And he did something which was strange indeed.
My dad told me that the few times he visited Grandpa, he discovered that Grandpa had taken to adopting a few pets. A few pet cobras, that is!
Grandpa had found or bought these cobra eggs, and hatched them. And these weren't any kind of cobras - these were King Cobras!
So Grandpa took care of these snakes, and fed them a diet of milk and eggs, and they were quite contented with that.
Then one day in May of 1985, something happened.
Neighbours nearby started to complain of a terrible stench coming out of Grandpa's home.....Then a slew of newspaper reports came:
Well, I am back - maybe regularly - maybe sporadically.
Thing is, quite a few things have been happening in my life right now - more good things than bad, and honestly, it's just been a time-crunch for me to be able to put focus on things - I try my best not to do half-past six jobs ;)
So I wanted to tell you the story of my late paternal Grandpa.
I had never met him.
When I was 6, I remembered my parents leaving my sis and me in the care of my maternal grandmother, and disappearing for a week.
Turned out that Grandpa had passed away in far away Taiping, Malaysia.
His is a unique story.
My dad and some of my aunts considered him to be a true genius - he could fix anything - he was pretty good with tinkering around. There was once he even made a machine, to churn out numbers - some say it was the first ever 4D machine in Southeast Asia.
Grandpa was also a well-known mystic in Taiping in those days - he went by the moniker - Si Janggut (meaning The Bearded One).
The villagers all knew him, and quite a few went to him to get numbers, get blessed, and only God knew what else.
He was very into mysticism, and the paranormal. When he was younger, Grandpa had fought in WWII alongside with the British, and he was honoured by the British. He received a sword, and a medal of honour from the H.M. The Queen herself apparently!
When he was in England, he found books on the paranormal, and brought quite a few back to home to study them.
He went really deep into his study of the paranormal world, and it became his only focus in life.
So much so, that his own family was left in neglect, and finally one day, my Grandma had no choice but to leave him, packing her 9 children along, doing her best to give each child the best care possible on her own.
In the old days, divorce was very uncommon - you just left your spouse and carried on with life best as you could.
It was very unfortunate indeed, but that was how each had their lifepaths carved out.
The story goes that Grandpa had even studied, and eventually comprehended certain life mysteries. One of which was willing himself into having an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE). He became very adept at that, and could describe things that happened at the other side of the world.
He could predict numbers, and those gambling-addicted friends or neighbours would constantly seek him out for help, and that became one of his sources of incomes. He was apparently pretty accurate with winning numbers.
Grandpa lived somewhere in a densely forested part of a village in Taiping. He preferred it that way - keeping his privacy, doing what he did. And he did something which was strange indeed.
My dad told me that the few times he visited Grandpa, he discovered that Grandpa had taken to adopting a few pets. A few pet cobras, that is!
Grandpa had found or bought these cobra eggs, and hatched them. And these weren't any kind of cobras - these were King Cobras!
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Pic courtesy of Google |
Then one day in May of 1985, something happened.
Neighbours nearby started to complain of a terrible stench coming out of Grandpa's home.....Then a slew of newspaper reports came:
Grandpa had died.
He was found dead on his bed, body slightly decomposed, and surrounded by the cobras.
Naturally, it was assumed he had died from being bitten by his pet snakes.
The state coroner did an autopsy on him, and the results:
He didn't die of a snake bite.
It was just simply - heart failure.
My dad says that after the body was removed, and they had to clear Grandpa's estate, the snakes came back and put up quite a battle to 'protect' Grandpa's things.
Dad and his brothers came with a bunch of policemen and villagers, and they had to eventually kill some of the cobras, because it simply became too dangerous.
Grandpa's house was a virtual dump, and anything could hide behind his mountains of newspapers and books which he kept piled up around his home.
One of my uncles, who at the time, was a pastor, found Grandpa's books of the paranormal - he declared it witchcraft and a sin to keep, and proceeded to burn all the books, unfortunately. Even my dad was pretty pissed that his brother did that without asking anyone, coz those books were old, and quite simply had a historical value.
You could say, that these stories and origins had a part in starting me on my paranormal journey.
Eventhough I never met Grandpa, I just know that we could have had long, deep conversations into these topics, and I would have had someone who understood things like I do.
Well... rest in peace, Grandpa.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Little Rei-Ki Miracles: Case of the Missing Cat
So I am kickstarting a mini-series of some healing experiences which I have encountered since I graduated from the advanced level of Rei-Ki recently.
As you all know, I manage a Facebook page, and one day, I came across this appeal to locate a cat that had been missing for 2 days, on Catmaraderie's FB fanpage.
A side note, Catmaraderie does an amazing job of caring for cats, as well as facilitating for cat rescues. Do check them out if you're a cat-lover!
Back to the story....
So I thought ok let's try to help out.
I applied my rei-ki training, and I guess I was guided by my guardian angels or inner wisdom - whatever you may call it - and I tried to do 'dowsing'. Now, dowsing is a method where you try to pinpoint a location of what you're seeking using a number of things like rods, or crystals, etc.
But since I had none of those in hand, I just opened a Google Map image of the area the missing cat was last thought to be, and used my hand and mouse to do the dowsing. Kinda like letting go and letting the hand and mouse be guided by the powers that be.
At the same time I got a more specific area to search, I also made a mind-to-mind connection with the kitty, and she gave me images of how she was feeling and where she was, like she was hiding crouched down under a bush beside a street, and I could smell the scent of the undergrowth and the leaves of the bush.
Then I told kitty that her caregiver was frantically looking for her, and to come out when her caregiver came by the area where she was hiding.
I relayed all my findings to her caregiver, and within the same night, kitty was found! Kitty and her caregiver had a really, really happy reunion.
In a sense, I also wasn't sure how accurate my findings were, but I knew I was guided and just relayed everything that given to me, with no censorship or bias, to the requestor.
Ultimately, rei-ki works for the highest good of all concerned, and thank goodness, the highest good for kitty was to be found and cared for by her lovely caregiver.
As you all know, I manage a Facebook page, and one day, I came across this appeal to locate a cat that had been missing for 2 days, on Catmaraderie's FB fanpage.
A side note, Catmaraderie does an amazing job of caring for cats, as well as facilitating for cat rescues. Do check them out if you're a cat-lover!
Back to the story....
So I thought ok let's try to help out.
I applied my rei-ki training, and I guess I was guided by my guardian angels or inner wisdom - whatever you may call it - and I tried to do 'dowsing'. Now, dowsing is a method where you try to pinpoint a location of what you're seeking using a number of things like rods, or crystals, etc.
But since I had none of those in hand, I just opened a Google Map image of the area the missing cat was last thought to be, and used my hand and mouse to do the dowsing. Kinda like letting go and letting the hand and mouse be guided by the powers that be.
At the same time I got a more specific area to search, I also made a mind-to-mind connection with the kitty, and she gave me images of how she was feeling and where she was, like she was hiding crouched down under a bush beside a street, and I could smell the scent of the undergrowth and the leaves of the bush.
Then I told kitty that her caregiver was frantically looking for her, and to come out when her caregiver came by the area where she was hiding.
I relayed all my findings to her caregiver, and within the same night, kitty was found! Kitty and her caregiver had a really, really happy reunion.
In a sense, I also wasn't sure how accurate my findings were, but I knew I was guided and just relayed everything that given to me, with no censorship or bias, to the requestor.
Ultimately, rei-ki works for the highest good of all concerned, and thank goodness, the highest good for kitty was to be found and cared for by her lovely caregiver.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Ouija Board: The First Possession & the Bomoh
In one of my last posts, I mentioned about the Ouija Board, and my failure to close a session.
The days after, a new school week had started, and I remember I was in a Costings class, with my good friend beside me.
I started out pretty okay that day, but suddenly, I started developing a fever.
Then I begin to get the shivers, my hands and feet jittering uncontrollably.
It was a blur to me, but I do recall vaguely having the feeling of being 'taken over'. Something wanted to gain control of my physical body, but I was trying to fight it.
My friend had some knowledge of these things, and she immediately scribbled out part of a religious scripture to me and asked me to read it.
I tried and failed - not once, but quite a few times.
She knew then that there was really big problem at hand.
She immediately alerted the teacher and said I was feeling unwell, and needed to go to the sick bay. The teacher sent us off, and my friend had to literally half-carry, and half-drag me to the sick bay by then.
I was turning into quite an emotional wreck, coz the fever was getting intense and I was scared out of my wits - just trying to control my body.
My friend called my then ex boyfriend to pick me up, and that he did within an hour.
Without wasting any time, he drove me to see this old man he knew.
I had never seen this guy before, but the moment I was in his presence, the sick feeling disappeared and I was feeling normal once again.
The man in question was a bomoh.
At the time, I hadn't any clue to bomohs and what they do, but little did I realise that I was soon to be exposed to this dark world.
Bomohs are considered traditional medicine men in South East Asia, shamans of the East, or witches or wizards. They can be either good or bad bomohs, and the one which I met, he leaned towards the darker side of things.
I only found that fact out a few years down the road.
In any case, prior to meeting me, I didn't realise that he had sent my ex bf on a shopping trip - to buy pieces of coloured cloth, string and some other things which I can't recall now - but I remember thinking that these were odd things.
Possession makes memory slightly vague, so please bear with me.
When I came to the bomoh, these items were already there, and he proceeded to do his 'thing'. We were quite literally out in public, sitting at a coffeeshop. He started to mumble under his breath, taking the cloths and items, and rolling it up, and using the string to tie everything together.
There was some light banter between him and my ex bf. But I didn't understand much of what was spoken - I just wasn't paying them much attention.
In any case, after that day, I was back to normal (or so I thought), and nothing happened for a couple weeks.
That was, until I had my next attack...which I will talk about in a future post....
The days after, a new school week had started, and I remember I was in a Costings class, with my good friend beside me.
I started out pretty okay that day, but suddenly, I started developing a fever.
Then I begin to get the shivers, my hands and feet jittering uncontrollably.
It was a blur to me, but I do recall vaguely having the feeling of being 'taken over'. Something wanted to gain control of my physical body, but I was trying to fight it.
My friend had some knowledge of these things, and she immediately scribbled out part of a religious scripture to me and asked me to read it.
I tried and failed - not once, but quite a few times.
She knew then that there was really big problem at hand.
She immediately alerted the teacher and said I was feeling unwell, and needed to go to the sick bay. The teacher sent us off, and my friend had to literally half-carry, and half-drag me to the sick bay by then.
I was turning into quite an emotional wreck, coz the fever was getting intense and I was scared out of my wits - just trying to control my body.
My friend called my then ex boyfriend to pick me up, and that he did within an hour.
Without wasting any time, he drove me to see this old man he knew.
I had never seen this guy before, but the moment I was in his presence, the sick feeling disappeared and I was feeling normal once again.
The man in question was a bomoh.
At the time, I hadn't any clue to bomohs and what they do, but little did I realise that I was soon to be exposed to this dark world.
Bomohs are considered traditional medicine men in South East Asia, shamans of the East, or witches or wizards. They can be either good or bad bomohs, and the one which I met, he leaned towards the darker side of things.
I only found that fact out a few years down the road.
In any case, prior to meeting me, I didn't realise that he had sent my ex bf on a shopping trip - to buy pieces of coloured cloth, string and some other things which I can't recall now - but I remember thinking that these were odd things.
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Photo Illustration Only - courtesy of Google Images |
Possession makes memory slightly vague, so please bear with me.
When I came to the bomoh, these items were already there, and he proceeded to do his 'thing'. We were quite literally out in public, sitting at a coffeeshop. He started to mumble under his breath, taking the cloths and items, and rolling it up, and using the string to tie everything together.
There was some light banter between him and my ex bf. But I didn't understand much of what was spoken - I just wasn't paying them much attention.
In any case, after that day, I was back to normal (or so I thought), and nothing happened for a couple weeks.
That was, until I had my next attack...which I will talk about in a future post....
Saturday, June 14, 2014
When I was an Orb & the Theory of Thought Energy
I was an orb for a brief span of time.
When I had my near-death experience, I was dimly aware that I had left my physical self.
And I realised as I bobbed along in that other dimension, that I was enclosed in a sort of bubble.
I was travelling along some sort of path that seemed tunnel-like, but I did not see any sentient beings of any sort or even any long-dead relatives. As per my previous post on my near-death experience, something had spoken to me.
I don't know how I knew it then - but when you're in that realm, in that space, in that moment, you realise how quickly answers are provided to you the moment you have the thought.
You send out a thought, then the answer is laid out to you. Thought, as you know, is instantaneous.
There is a theory that thought energy is very real, and I am beginning to see the truth in that now.
For example, have you ever thought of someone, only to have that person call or text you not long after? Or suddenly you crave a durian on a certain day, and you come home and find that your mum or grandmother had actually bought durians for the family that day?
Even in Rei-Ki - when we do distant healing for someone, we get ourselves attuned in thought to direct the energy to the recipient - kinda like using thought as the dial-up connection between you and the recipient, securing the connection, and then sending Rei-Ki thereafter. The good thing after we make the connection, is that we let Rei-Ki do the rest of the healing, and we don't need to focus or meditate at all, unless we are requested to provide feedback to the recipient - then of course, we have to pay attention to the back-forth messages that we receive over the connection.
There is some research now into thought quantum physics - but I have not really read up on much of it. It seems that there is now some very actual scientific research being made into extrasensory perception.
Who knows, maybe one day, thought may actually become a very real communication tool, and mobile phones become a thing of the past?
When I had my near-death experience, I was dimly aware that I had left my physical self.
And I realised as I bobbed along in that other dimension, that I was enclosed in a sort of bubble.
I was travelling along some sort of path that seemed tunnel-like, but I did not see any sentient beings of any sort or even any long-dead relatives. As per my previous post on my near-death experience, something had spoken to me.
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Orb courtesy of Google Images |
You send out a thought, then the answer is laid out to you. Thought, as you know, is instantaneous.
There is a theory that thought energy is very real, and I am beginning to see the truth in that now.
For example, have you ever thought of someone, only to have that person call or text you not long after? Or suddenly you crave a durian on a certain day, and you come home and find that your mum or grandmother had actually bought durians for the family that day?
Even in Rei-Ki - when we do distant healing for someone, we get ourselves attuned in thought to direct the energy to the recipient - kinda like using thought as the dial-up connection between you and the recipient, securing the connection, and then sending Rei-Ki thereafter. The good thing after we make the connection, is that we let Rei-Ki do the rest of the healing, and we don't need to focus or meditate at all, unless we are requested to provide feedback to the recipient - then of course, we have to pay attention to the back-forth messages that we receive over the connection.
There is some research now into thought quantum physics - but I have not really read up on much of it. It seems that there is now some very actual scientific research being made into extrasensory perception.
Who knows, maybe one day, thought may actually become a very real communication tool, and mobile phones become a thing of the past?
The Ouija Board
I've always had a fascination with the paranormal since young.
My fascination stemmed from my mum, who used to tell me ghost stories, and tales of her experiences with the spirit world.
When I was 17, I had an after-school job at the old MPH bookstores at Parkway Parade, and at that point of time, these Ouija board games were really popular and being mass-produced.
So my mum popped by one day and together, we decided to buy a set.
At that point of time, we were living at the old Bedok North Ave 2 flat which I mentioned in an earlier post.
In that post, I had said that there was a spirit living there.
Due to that, my mum decided to buy the Ouija board to try and make contact.
Well, we did have some light banter with this spirit - and it turns out that it really was a child-like spirit - keen on communicating and playing.
Fast forward 2 years later, we moved to Boon Lay - the area near Jurong Point - which at that time, was a very new estate. The estate was literally built on a swamped forested area, and the authorities had literally 'destroyed' the homes of the spirits and energies living there among the trees. Yes, I've been told they live in, on, around trees.
During that time, I had started mixing with some not-so-good company at school, plus I was pretty unhappy with having to move out of my old estate, and I guess, on hindsight, unbeknownst to me, I started attracting negative energies towards me.
One day when I was home alone, out of sheer boredom and stupidity, I pulled out the Ouija board, and started a session by myself.
I got in tune pretty quickly and had a conversation with something, though till today, I can't remember what it was about.
Suddenly, I heard my front door open, and it turned out that my dad was home early from work.
Now the thing about using a Ouija board, you have to have a proper 'closing' before you finish a session. And stupid me didn't do that!
I just slammed the board shut and quickly hid the Ouija board under my bed.
My dad doesn't like it, you see. And for good reason too.
So I forgot about it, and went on my daily activities without a second thought to it.
That very night, I went to bed late.
At about 2am, I suddenly woke up coz something with a low, guttural, inhuman voice whispered in my ear:
"I'm here...."
I completely freaked out and hid under my covers and pillows out of terror.
It didn't just stop there... this thing followed me to school too -- which I will relay in another post!
Meanwhile I want to share some of the most scary footage of Ouija board mishaps ever recorded - as narrated by the awesome team at Ghost Files Singapore and SingaTV.
Pontianak Sighting....
Last week, one of the mornings as I ambled along to work, I suddenly saw a flash and image of something sitting in an empty, closed restaurant that I was passing by.
Briefly (and I mean literally like 0.01 seconds), I had the image of a female dressed in white, with super long and matted black hair. With big dark eyes - almost like holes, also having a look at me.
Kinda creepy right?
Honestly, that was the first time I had seen one more clearly than before.
And honestly, I don't ever want to see another one again.
Briefly (and I mean literally like 0.01 seconds), I had the image of a female dressed in white, with super long and matted black hair. With big dark eyes - almost like holes, also having a look at me.
Kinda creepy right?
Honestly, that was the first time I had seen one more clearly than before.
And honestly, I don't ever want to see another one again.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Paying it forward: Distant Healing Rei-Ki Session
Hi everyone,
So I have graduated last week with Advanced Rei-Ki certification and would like to offer a free Rei-Ki session as a means to pay it forward and help those in need.
I will send Rei-Ki to anyone, that might be you or someone you know or even your pet or any animal which you think might need it, for the period stipulated in my scheduler below.
What I will need is either a name or a picture of the intended recipient, and if you so choose to, give a brief description of the ailment or even just tell me which parts of the body that I need to direct the most energy to.
Please send these details either via the scheduler (if it's possible) or send a private message to me on my Facebook Page or email me at lynn.lazaroo@gmail.com.
I will provide a synopsis of any physical and metaphysical 'messages' I receive from the recipient and/or their inner wisdom.
If you are keen, I have only limited time slots available currently.
Do book through here:
Rei-Ki will help facilitate the body to start its own healing process, and expedite it, if that is meant to be. This may or may not result in a miraculous cure or the body may take its own time to cope with the healing process. If the recipient's is deathly sick, and if his/her body says it's time to shut down, Rei-Ki will help east the transition process of the soul into the Afterlife. What I Rei-Ki is only for the highest good for the recipient, and it is up to the recipient inner wisdom to guide which path he/she would like to be on. Rei-Ki can never control or manipulate a desired outcome.
So I have graduated last week with Advanced Rei-Ki certification and would like to offer a free Rei-Ki session as a means to pay it forward and help those in need.
I will send Rei-Ki to anyone, that might be you or someone you know or even your pet or any animal which you think might need it, for the period stipulated in my scheduler below.
What I will need is either a name or a picture of the intended recipient, and if you so choose to, give a brief description of the ailment or even just tell me which parts of the body that I need to direct the most energy to.
Please send these details either via the scheduler (if it's possible) or send a private message to me on my Facebook Page or email me at lynn.lazaroo@gmail.com.
I will provide a synopsis of any physical and metaphysical 'messages' I receive from the recipient and/or their inner wisdom.
If you are keen, I have only limited time slots available currently.
Do book through here:
Rei-Ki will help facilitate the body to start its own healing process, and expedite it, if that is meant to be. This may or may not result in a miraculous cure or the body may take its own time to cope with the healing process. If the recipient's is deathly sick, and if his/her body says it's time to shut down, Rei-Ki will help east the transition process of the soul into the Afterlife. What I Rei-Ki is only for the highest good for the recipient, and it is up to the recipient inner wisdom to guide which path he/she would like to be on. Rei-Ki can never control or manipulate a desired outcome.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Back Again!
Hello everyone! Been away for quite abit coz I was overseas.
Now back with a new vigor!
Just checking in here with you all to let you know I am still working this blog :) haha.... nope, haven't abandoned it.
Truth is, I have been busy practising my Reiki on others and helping to facilitate, jumpstart, expedite their healing processes.
So far, I have had pretty good experiences.
I'll relay some of these experiences when the time is right!
Till then, stay tuned :)
Now back with a new vigor!
Just checking in here with you all to let you know I am still working this blog :) haha.... nope, haven't abandoned it.
Truth is, I have been busy practising my Reiki on others and helping to facilitate, jumpstart, expedite their healing processes.
So far, I have had pretty good experiences.
I'll relay some of these experiences when the time is right!
Till then, stay tuned :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
When Something Comes A-whispering....
Yesterday, my daughter started on her holiday homework in the afternoon in her room, and there she was fully concentrated, when suddenly there's someone sighing and whispering in her ear!
I was outside in the hall, when I heard her screaming.
She ran out of the room, and kept saying, "Mummy, something whispered in my ear! I am so scared!". She was really on the verge of tears.
What did I do?
Immediately I did the thumb reiki position on one hand - to raise my vibrational energy - and grabbed the clearing spray with the other hand.
And I called it out - in this loud, authoritative and assertive voice. I went to my daughter's room first and pumped the spray once.
"YOU, who are not supposed to be here, leave this space and leave us alone! This is OUR space, OUR house - you are NOT ALLOWED here. LEAVE US!"
As I said that, I felt it's energy just outside my boundary - and it was a cold energy - made my hairs stand on end.
Then I proceeded to spray throughout the whole house - even the toilets.
Almost immediately, there was a change in the energy level within the house, and everything calmed down significantly within a few minutes.
My daughter calmed down enough to continue with her homework and then all was back to normal again.
I was outside in the hall, when I heard her screaming.
She ran out of the room, and kept saying, "Mummy, something whispered in my ear! I am so scared!". She was really on the verge of tears.
What did I do?
Immediately I did the thumb reiki position on one hand - to raise my vibrational energy - and grabbed the clearing spray with the other hand.
And I called it out - in this loud, authoritative and assertive voice. I went to my daughter's room first and pumped the spray once.
"YOU, who are not supposed to be here, leave this space and leave us alone! This is OUR space, OUR house - you are NOT ALLOWED here. LEAVE US!"
As I said that, I felt it's energy just outside my boundary - and it was a cold energy - made my hairs stand on end.
Then I proceeded to spray throughout the whole house - even the toilets.
Almost immediately, there was a change in the energy level within the house, and everything calmed down significantly within a few minutes.
My daughter calmed down enough to continue with her homework and then all was back to normal again.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
More on Positive Reiki Outcomes
So I haven't written in a while.
That's due to me having had a really packed schedule to work with the past weeks.
For this post, I'd thought I could share more positive outcomes I have had with reiki, partly due to me being away at the reiki seminar this weekend right up to the end of this week!
When I first got into reiki, the first one to acknowledge the new energy within me was my cat!
He would come up to me, purposely push his head against my hand, try to get me to pet him, and make me reiki him.
Animals love the energy and would almost always attempt to try to get your attention to get in some reiki-time - in short, they can become reiki addicts! LOL!
Another outcome that has occurred is that my elder daughter seems to have better focus in school, and that has resulted in her achieving astounding results for her recent mid-year exams. She had leapt from being no.7 in class last year to now being no.3! Of course, it helped that she had supportive teachers, but previously we had always had problems with her handing in work on time or even finishing her homework. Also last year, we had a tuition teacher to come in to coach her, but still, there was a certain lack of motivation. I believe that reiki had helped her in some way.
My younger one, who is about to turn 4, has also learnt to identify the reiki energy and can't go to sleep without it. She always asks for it, and of course, I give it to her.
Overall, it has helped me to bond closer with my family, with me being in a generally more positive mood than I was before the course.
Even with my friends, I have had positive outcomes.
Spiritual Disturbances
Once, a close friend approached me with some spiritually-related issue concerning her house and her children. She has 2 children who were born with the sight, and they would often not be able to sleep at night - due to being disturbed by negative elemental energies that were residing in the house. They would be woken up in the middle of the night, and find this energy standing over them or it might be on the ceiling, running around or whatever.
It was definitely freaky!
At the time, I couldn't go to her home to reiki her kids, so what I did was I got her two 1.5 litres of bottled drinking water (not mineral water - those are not good for our bodies!), and just told her to let her kids drink it and maybe put it in her room. And it worked!
When I got round to asking for feedback, my friend said her kids didn't get disturbed by the energies that week!
Of course, I wanted to recommend her to get reiki but circumstances were not in her favour then, but who knows in the future, right?
Office First Aid Kit
In the office, I try to do as much reiki as I am allowed to. I'd have colleagues who suffered from bad headaches or coughs or stress, and I'd just voluntarily reiki water for them to drink coz it's not really convenient to reiki by touch.
One incident I'd like to highlight - I had one colleague who is pretty sceptical about reiki, due to her religious nature and basically if there is no visible proof - then it shouldn't exist.
Right? ;)
Then one day, when we were out to lunch, it had been a particularly cold day. She had her cardigan on but it wasn't enough and as we were walking to the Burger King, I noticed that she kept shivering.
So while we were queueing up for food, I just casually asked her, "Hey, if you want, I'll just reiki you now, so you can hopefully warm up..." And she just said yeah whatever, coz she was too busy shivering. I just put one hand on her shoulder, and continued our regular conversations.
We were 5 minutes in the queue before our turn came, and I noticed she had already stopped shivering about 3 minutes after I put my hand on. Then I just asked,"Are you still cold?" She kinda paused and considered a second, and said, "Oh no, not cold anymore!" And she looked at me with a kind of wonder, like she couldn't believe it. I just smiled and carried on with lunch - coz I knew she was having an issue reconciling the fact that it worked on her but could she really believe it, coz that might go against her religious beliefs?
My job is just to help people whenever I can and in whatever way I can. I am not there to debate in anything sensitive with anyone - I just leave it up to them to think over it, and decide for themselves on how they want to view reiki.
Anyways, that's it for now. I'll catch up on more posts with y'all hopefully soon!
That's due to me having had a really packed schedule to work with the past weeks.
For this post, I'd thought I could share more positive outcomes I have had with reiki, partly due to me being away at the reiki seminar this weekend right up to the end of this week!
When I first got into reiki, the first one to acknowledge the new energy within me was my cat!
He would come up to me, purposely push his head against my hand, try to get me to pet him, and make me reiki him.
Animals love the energy and would almost always attempt to try to get your attention to get in some reiki-time - in short, they can become reiki addicts! LOL!
Another outcome that has occurred is that my elder daughter seems to have better focus in school, and that has resulted in her achieving astounding results for her recent mid-year exams. She had leapt from being no.7 in class last year to now being no.3! Of course, it helped that she had supportive teachers, but previously we had always had problems with her handing in work on time or even finishing her homework. Also last year, we had a tuition teacher to come in to coach her, but still, there was a certain lack of motivation. I believe that reiki had helped her in some way.
My younger one, who is about to turn 4, has also learnt to identify the reiki energy and can't go to sleep without it. She always asks for it, and of course, I give it to her.
Overall, it has helped me to bond closer with my family, with me being in a generally more positive mood than I was before the course.
Even with my friends, I have had positive outcomes.
Spiritual Disturbances
Once, a close friend approached me with some spiritually-related issue concerning her house and her children. She has 2 children who were born with the sight, and they would often not be able to sleep at night - due to being disturbed by negative elemental energies that were residing in the house. They would be woken up in the middle of the night, and find this energy standing over them or it might be on the ceiling, running around or whatever.
It was definitely freaky!
At the time, I couldn't go to her home to reiki her kids, so what I did was I got her two 1.5 litres of bottled drinking water (not mineral water - those are not good for our bodies!), and just told her to let her kids drink it and maybe put it in her room. And it worked!
When I got round to asking for feedback, my friend said her kids didn't get disturbed by the energies that week!
Of course, I wanted to recommend her to get reiki but circumstances were not in her favour then, but who knows in the future, right?
Office First Aid Kit
In the office, I try to do as much reiki as I am allowed to. I'd have colleagues who suffered from bad headaches or coughs or stress, and I'd just voluntarily reiki water for them to drink coz it's not really convenient to reiki by touch.
One incident I'd like to highlight - I had one colleague who is pretty sceptical about reiki, due to her religious nature and basically if there is no visible proof - then it shouldn't exist.
Right? ;)
Then one day, when we were out to lunch, it had been a particularly cold day. She had her cardigan on but it wasn't enough and as we were walking to the Burger King, I noticed that she kept shivering.
So while we were queueing up for food, I just casually asked her, "Hey, if you want, I'll just reiki you now, so you can hopefully warm up..." And she just said yeah whatever, coz she was too busy shivering. I just put one hand on her shoulder, and continued our regular conversations.
We were 5 minutes in the queue before our turn came, and I noticed she had already stopped shivering about 3 minutes after I put my hand on. Then I just asked,"Are you still cold?" She kinda paused and considered a second, and said, "Oh no, not cold anymore!" And she looked at me with a kind of wonder, like she couldn't believe it. I just smiled and carried on with lunch - coz I knew she was having an issue reconciling the fact that it worked on her but could she really believe it, coz that might go against her religious beliefs?
My job is just to help people whenever I can and in whatever way I can. I am not there to debate in anything sensitive with anyone - I just leave it up to them to think over it, and decide for themselves on how they want to view reiki.
Anyways, that's it for now. I'll catch up on more posts with y'all hopefully soon!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Excuse Me....(The Office continued)
I've been mad busy as hell in the office for the past few days.
My colleague suddenly private chats me on our internal chat system (kinda like yahoo chat).
Colleague: "Did you feel that? Since so-and-so came in, there has been a sudden drop in the vibe around this area..."
Me: "Can't say I've noticed anything... too busy atm..."
Then out of the blue - it happens.
I got a sense of a person standing to my left - can't tell the age though I think he/she is young-ish - maybe 20/30s, has a shock of short black hair, and light skinned - can't tell ethnicity, and maybe wearing spectacles.
Then he/she says, "Excuse me..." in a barely audible whisper.
Enough to say that it stopped me a moment - coz it truly happened pretty quickly and suddenly.
I didn't engage it coz it really was a busy time.
Maybe once my spiritual development takes off, I may explore such incidences further....
My colleague suddenly private chats me on our internal chat system (kinda like yahoo chat).
Colleague: "Did you feel that? Since so-and-so came in, there has been a sudden drop in the vibe around this area..."
Me: "Can't say I've noticed anything... too busy atm..."
Then out of the blue - it happens.
I got a sense of a person standing to my left - can't tell the age though I think he/she is young-ish - maybe 20/30s, has a shock of short black hair, and light skinned - can't tell ethnicity, and maybe wearing spectacles.
Then he/she says, "Excuse me..." in a barely audible whisper.
Enough to say that it stopped me a moment - coz it truly happened pretty quickly and suddenly.
I didn't engage it coz it really was a busy time.
Maybe once my spiritual development takes off, I may explore such incidences further....
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Spirit Orbs in Singapore?
Some time ago, a friend went to 2 tourist spots in Singapore, and they did the usual thing - taking photos of the scenery, as well as themselves.
I happened to scroll through the pics, and immediately I picked up a variation of spirit orbs.
Arguably, these could also be dust particles or just a dirty camera lens or condension due to the atmosphere or temperature at that particular time, but in each picture, the positions of these orbs or particles differ!
Hence, you be the judge of it and see if you can spot those orbs.
I happened to scroll through the pics, and immediately I picked up a variation of spirit orbs.
Arguably, these could also be dust particles or just a dirty camera lens or condension due to the atmosphere or temperature at that particular time, but in each picture, the positions of these orbs or particles differ!
Hence, you be the judge of it and see if you can spot those orbs.
Monday, May 19, 2014
FREE Preview: REIKI Seminar 27th May 2014 (Tue)
Just a quick update for everyone.
The centre that helped facilitate my Reiki training will be holding a FREE Preview next Tuesday May 27th!
Reiki trainer, Ms Keven Duff, will be there to help answer any questions you may have on Reiki, its uses, effects, significance, etc.
There will also be Reiki volunteers on hand who will give you the Reiki Experience - a session lasting anywhere from 30-60 mins.
If you're keen to find out more, simply contact the organisers - Omegapoint Seminars - do call the numbers stated on the poster and register now!
The centre that helped facilitate my Reiki training will be holding a FREE Preview next Tuesday May 27th!
Reiki trainer, Ms Keven Duff, will be there to help answer any questions you may have on Reiki, its uses, effects, significance, etc.
There will also be Reiki volunteers on hand who will give you the Reiki Experience - a session lasting anywhere from 30-60 mins.
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Click on the image to access their official Facebook Page. |
From my previous posts on Reiki, you all know that this has helped to facilitate many positive changes in my life and the lives of those around me.
I am in no way earning anything out of this - just paying it forward and spreading the love.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Stalked by Moths!
I just spent the better part of the last week, being stalked by moths!
OK let me admit it now - I have a phobia of moths and butterflies. Honestly they freak me out.
So when I started getting followed by moths, it got pretty upsetting for me.
So maybe it's moth mating season (I don't know) but I have had moths suddenly appearing in my room or my daughter's room a lot!
It's been a variety of moths - medium sized ones - some brown and some white.
I decided to ask around - and my Chinese friends mentioned that white moths represent spirits of the recently deceased. Now that kinda brought me back to my recent experience of witnessing the death on 3rd May. Perhaps there is a restless spirit?
Then as I delved deeper into the significance of moth sightings, I discovered that in certain Western cultures, moths represent heightened psychic awareness and perception.
In a sense, I did have a certain awakening that occurred on a spiritual level last week (this I will divulge in another post when I am ready to), which I believe will set me down my life's path.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think of the significance of moths? I'd like to hear your thoughts!
OK let me admit it now - I have a phobia of moths and butterflies. Honestly they freak me out.
So when I started getting followed by moths, it got pretty upsetting for me.
So maybe it's moth mating season (I don't know) but I have had moths suddenly appearing in my room or my daughter's room a lot!
It's been a variety of moths - medium sized ones - some brown and some white.
I decided to ask around - and my Chinese friends mentioned that white moths represent spirits of the recently deceased. Now that kinda brought me back to my recent experience of witnessing the death on 3rd May. Perhaps there is a restless spirit?
Then as I delved deeper into the significance of moth sightings, I discovered that in certain Western cultures, moths represent heightened psychic awareness and perception.
In a sense, I did have a certain awakening that occurred on a spiritual level last week (this I will divulge in another post when I am ready to), which I believe will set me down my life's path.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think of the significance of moths? I'd like to hear your thoughts!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Space Clearing Spray that Works for me!
OK, so I had the opportunity to go by Sacred Space - this shop that caters to all things spiritual.
They offer services such as tarot reading, fengshui or vaastu consultation and the works.
I was just curious about this spray which they sold called White Sage Spray.
It is believed that sage has been used for centuries as a natural space clearing remedy.
What is space clearing?
That's when you clear a space, ie your home, office etc, of negative energies. If there is a some negative energy attached to that particular space, traditionally the burning of sage, or commonly known as smudging, would be used to get rid of those energies. Smudging came from the Native American tradition. And normally, you'd do it with what is called a Smudge Stick. You burn in on a small plate, and use a feather to guide the smoke throughout the house or space.
As you all know by now, I sometimes have disturbances at home, because some energies get attracted to the fact that I can sense them (I don't know how they know - must be some metaphysical neon signboard plastered on my head??).
So I have tried some other types of sprays (related to having water read over with verses from holy scriptures) or using a natural product called serai wangi - or better known as citronella, but they didn't have much effect (except on mosquitos).
Out of pure curiousity, I decided to give the White Sage Spray a shot last night.
And would you believe it?
I had the best sleep ever.
The room felt the calmest I had ever felt it!
It was just one spray, and there was a noticeable change to the vibe in my bedroom. I felt totally at ease, and I drifted off to sleep without a second thought.
You guys could give it a try too if you think you have any similar issues like I do. It might also work out well for you? Do let me know if any of you have tried it!
They offer services such as tarot reading, fengshui or vaastu consultation and the works.
I was just curious about this spray which they sold called White Sage Spray.
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SGD 29.90 from Sacred Space |
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No burning or smoke required! Just spray - a definite plus in my book :) |
It is believed that sage has been used for centuries as a natural space clearing remedy.
What is space clearing?
That's when you clear a space, ie your home, office etc, of negative energies. If there is a some negative energy attached to that particular space, traditionally the burning of sage, or commonly known as smudging, would be used to get rid of those energies. Smudging came from the Native American tradition. And normally, you'd do it with what is called a Smudge Stick. You burn in on a small plate, and use a feather to guide the smoke throughout the house or space.
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Picture courtesy of Google images |
As you all know by now, I sometimes have disturbances at home, because some energies get attracted to the fact that I can sense them (I don't know how they know - must be some metaphysical neon signboard plastered on my head??).
So I have tried some other types of sprays (related to having water read over with verses from holy scriptures) or using a natural product called serai wangi - or better known as citronella, but they didn't have much effect (except on mosquitos).
Out of pure curiousity, I decided to give the White Sage Spray a shot last night.
And would you believe it?
I had the best sleep ever.
The room felt the calmest I had ever felt it!
It was just one spray, and there was a noticeable change to the vibe in my bedroom. I felt totally at ease, and I drifted off to sleep without a second thought.
You guys could give it a try too if you think you have any similar issues like I do. It might also work out well for you? Do let me know if any of you have tried it!
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